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Flight and Travel Tips By Matthew Reider

Plan in advance: If you have a plan to visit out of your country, start your plan at least three to six month prior to your visit. Know the country and destination where you are planning to visit. Know more about the climatic condition of that country and find out the travel advices for the country. Select best time of travel for that particular country or city.

Book air tickets in advance: If you have finalized your tour program, book air tickets in advance as many airlines offer a discount for tickets booked in advance. Now get your passport, visa and other travel documents ready.

Learn the local expenses: You might not know whether you are paying the right amount for taxi, hotel and other commodities in the particular city, therefore it is better to search for the basic information about the city and you will get plenty of information on Internet. You should also have the fair knowledge of exchange rate, as this will help you in converting your currency.

Visit local shops: We all do shopping whenever we are on tour and you should try to do shopping from the local shops instead of big malls. In local store, you will find things cheaper and affordable.

Keep essential medicine: You should have a fair idea of the medicines that may be required to you while you are on tour. In addition to your daily medicine, you should also carry away with you some common medicines such as medicines for cough, cold and fever. You should also see that if immunization is required for a particular city or country.

Keep Traveler’s checks: Instead of taking a lot of money with you, it is better to take traveler’s check or credit card with you. In case if you miss these, you should immediately report to the banks or credit card providers. You should also avoid bringing valuables with you.

Dress casually: Your dress sometimes indicates about yourself to thieves and that is a risk for you, so you should dress casually. It is better to stay alert while you are in another city or country. If you see something wrong in your neighborhood, keep yourself in safe position.

Travel Insurance: Many insurance providers are also offering travel insurance and you should ensure a suitable insurance policy for you and your family.

Stay in medium to large Hotels: Never stay in very small hotels, as the security arrangement in these hotels is insufficient. Try to take a medium to large hotel. In most of such hotels adequate arrangement of security are made. Do not go out alone or with your family out of the hotel especially during nighttime and if you have to go, ask hotel staff to provide taxi.

Having travelled to over 40 countries around the world, Matt Reider started CanuckAbroad.com as a resource for finding cheap flights, travel advice, and information for expats abroad.


Tips For Planning Your Honeymoon By Gabriel J. Adams 

As they say the best holiday vacation a person can have in their life is the honeymoon. It's the kind of holiday wherein you will first enjoy the company of that person that you married.

It is very important, just like planning that perfect wedding, to also plan that perfect honeymoon. Here are some great planning tips for that wonderful honeymoon.

Whatever the location of your honeymoon destination, bear in mind to get a room with a magnificent view of either the ocean or a scenic mountaintops or even a lively cityscapes that will bring you both closer to learning other cultures as well.

Going on a honeymoon means enjoying and having the time of your life; it's a celebration of your union as husbands and wife. That's why the most important thing in planning your honeymoon is not to fight with each other about choosing the perfect honeymoon place.

Here are some tips to make your honeymoon planning very easy

1. Plan ahead of schedule.

- Plan your honeymoon if possible months in advance; that way you can book the best available hotel rooms and it will also gives you the chance to search the internet of wonderful locations worldwide. In this time of modern age, booking flights, hotel and planning travel itineraries are conveniently done online.

2. Set a realistic budget

- To avoid financial problems later on, be sure to set aside a honeymoon budget that is enough to cover the whole period of your honeymoon. Remember getting married is the start of a long-term life with each other. Do not over spend on your honeymoon, as money can be use in other important things like mortgage and anniversary celebration.

3. Pick a wonderful location

- Don't just pick a place at random, it is advised that you both study each places, cities and country that you are planning to spend your honeymoon. Make sure that the particular country's culture and places to offer will both excite and interest both of your senses.

4. Study Reviews of Hotels

- To avoid the possibility of ruining a perfect honeymoon by sub standard hotel accommodation services, read among the vast hotel reviews written online and choose the perfect hotel that you think will satisfy both of your needs.

5. Make a list of restaurants

- Part of a wonderful honeymoon is the experience of dining out together and enjoying local cuisines, again you must study and choose from a wide selection of restaurants in your honeymoon location. Why not make a list of restaurants that you think you may like to eat at beforehand?

6. Have fun and worry about nothing

- Make sure that once you are both enjoying your honeymoon, make sure to leave all work related stress at home. Enjoy the time together and try hard to make this experience something both of you will remember for a long time.

Following these simple tips will make your honeymoon become a pleasant experience. Remember it's the best holiday anyone can have in their life. Plan ahead and enjoy the whole experience.

Find information on http://www.hitweddings.com top honeymoon destinations and planning a wedding. Also get advice on wedding etiquette.

Tips for Travelling Abroad - Travel Checklists for Travellers By Bridget Mwape

Although most trips abroad are trouble free, being prepared will go a long way to avoiding the possibility of serious trouble. If you are travelling abroad here are some things you need to do to make your trip easier:

1. Check the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) Travel Advice (call 0845 850 2829) for Public Announcements or Travel Warnings for the countries you plan to visit. Public Announcements provide fast-breaking information about relatively short-term conditions that may pose risks to the security of travellers.

2. Get a good guidebook and get to know your destination. Familiarize yourself with local laws and customs of the countries to which you are travelling. While in a foreign country, you are subject to that country's laws. Learn about the countries that you plan to visit. Before departing, take the time to do some research about the people and their culture, and any problems that the country is experiencing that may affect your travel plans.

3. Get travel insurance and check that the cover is appropriate and check what vaccinations you need 2 months before you travel. Also, consider whether you need to take extra health precautions. Make sure your insurance covers your emergency medical needs (including medical evacuation) while you are overseas.

4. Take enough money for your trip and some back-up funds such as traveller’s cheques, sterling or US dollars.

5. To avoid being a target of crime, try not to wear conspicuous clothing and expensive jewellery and do not carry excessive amounts of money or unnecessary credit cards.

6. While abroad, avoid using illicit drugs or drinking excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages, and associating with people who do.

7. In order to avoid violating local laws, deal only with authorized agents when you exchange money or purchase art or antiques.

8. If your travel involves passage on airlines with which you are unfamiliar, you may wish to check their safety and reliability with a reputable travel agent.

9. Do not leave your luggage unattended in public areas and do not accept packages from strangers.

10. Ensure you have a valid passport that is in good condition and the necessary visas, if required.

11. Make several copies of your passport, insurance policy plus 24-hour emergency number, and ticket details. Leave these copies, your itinerary and contact details with family and friends. Carry the other copies with you in a separate place from your passport. This will facilitate replacement if your passport is lost or stolen.

12. Ensure that your travel organiser or travel agent can provide sufficient evidence of security for the refunding and repatriation of consumers in the event of insolvency. This security must be in place by one of several Financial Protection Organisations.

13. Leave a copy of your itinerary with family or friends at home so that you can be contacted in case of an emergency.

Copyright 2005. Bridget Mwape writes for The Travel Gear UK website. Get the gear you need for travelling abroad at: http://www.travel-gear.org.uk/ and purchase unique gifts for your friends and family at: http://www.unusual-gifts-uk.org.uk/